Sunday, December 16, 2018

How to Get Rid of Musty Smell in a Dresser

If you love to bargain shop at garage sales, antique stores, thrift stores and more, then you have probably dealt with the lovely smells that greet you when you open a drawer of an old dresser once you get it home.

Musty Smell Can Transfer to Clothes and Unmentionables!

Depending on what you are storing in these drawers, you may notice that it is not long, even after cleaning and lining a drawer with pretty paper that those pesky musty smells return and transfer to your clothes.

If you don't want to smell musty, then follow these quick steps!

White Vinegar to the Rescue

There are so many products out there that claim to get rid of damp or musty smells.  Many of these smells are simply because the piece is old or was stored somewhere damp.  If you don't want to add new odors but simply neutralize them, then the vinegar method should work for you.

You can take the drawer out and totally paint or varnish and seal the inside, but now you will smell like varnish!.... but in the meantime, try this:

Bowl of White Vinegar

Steps to Rid Drawer of Musty Smell

Step 1 - Vacuum completely the drawer in question

Step 2 -  Place a bowl (with high sides) of white vinegar in the drawer and close it.

Step 3 - Leave overnight if you can

Step 4 - Remove bowl

Step 5 - Line with scented paper if you like or plain paper.

White vinegar is amazing when it comes to removing odors.  You can use this process to freshen other places such as your car, closet, refrigerator or any small area that stinks!

Why Does it Smell Musty?

Musty smells tend to happen when a piece has been unused for years and stored somewhere a bit damp.  If the drawers are not opened for years, there is no ventilation.  Once you try the vinegar method and get using these dresser drawers it will disappear.

Another awesome way to rid your dresser of smells is to take the drawers outside and sit them in the sunshine.  Or if it is winter but a sunny day.. sit them in the sunshine on the floor.   This will help to dry them out of any lingering dampness.