being exposed to the elements?
Guess what? You don't have to wait that long. Here is a very simple process that is somewhat organic, no harsh chemicals, and creates that look within an hour of application.
Lets Get Started aging your wood
What you will Need:
- White Vinegar
- Water
- Steel Wool
- Paint Brush
- Gloves
- Bucket with good fitting lid (for vinegar mixture)
Step 1 - Take a clean bucket with a good fitting lid, add your vinegar only (it is a 50/50 ratio to vinegar and water so if you plan on doing a lot of wood aging then use larger bottles of vinegar).
Step 2 - Put on the gloves for opening the steel wool pieces. This helps the mixture form quicker as steel wool tends to be sold in clumps. So unravel it and place the steel wool in the bucket with the vinegar and using a paint stick submerge it.
Step 3 - Patience. Let it sit for approximately 4 days. So if you are planning to work on your crafts or projects this weekend getting it started at the beginning of the week so you will have it ready.
Step 4 - Open lid. It will look like mucky water. Add the water (remember, same amount as of vinegar) and mix with stir stick.
Step 5 - Take your paint brush and paint the untreated wood (remember this really only works on untreated wood). You will see it begin to change as it dries.
Step 6 - Let dry and your wood now looks like it has been outside for years but without the damage.
Video Below on Aging Wood with Vinegar
Another Option to Steel Wool - Old Nails and Bolts and Washers
I have done this process for years, and had never used the steel wool. I just didn't have it around the house. So I used old nails and bolts. I had a container of these laying around, not really good for anything, but hated to simply toss them out.
Depending on how dark you want your wood, you can add more steel wool, nails, bolts or washers and let it sit for longer. Keep diluting it with some water and you can use this mixture for many projects.
You can get everything online, delivered to your door, so you are ready to start!
Need Some Great Ideas for this Aging Process??
The latest trend in interior decorating is separating rooms with sliding barn style doors. These are a really cool addition to a room and have become quite popular no matter what your decor style.
They come in many different stained colors especially online. But here is a brilliant idea. Get an unfinished and untreated door such as this one and then age it with vinegar and steel wool to knock that "newness" off of it and give you that awesome grey patina that doesn't seem to be sold in stores.
Assorted Wood Crafts
You can use this aging wood process on any unfinished wood, such as picture frames, tissue box holders, small wood pieces for other crafts. The sky is the limit.
Unfinished Wood Furniture
You can think big or small, but how about taking some unfinished and untreated furniture and giving it that aged look without stressing the wood. It is a great alternative to the colored stains on the market. There are so many ideas! This is a very affordable way to stain any piece of unfinished wood.