Friday, November 16, 2018

How to Unshrink Wool - Don't Throw Out that Sweater - Try This First

So... last laundry day, you didn't notice that new wool sweater of yours had worked its way into the dirty clothes hamper, which then worked its way into the washer and the dryer. 

You mean't to set it aside to hand wash, but things happen, and it is now the perfect size for a doll.

How to Unshrink Clothes

White Wine Vinegar
cool water
25 minutes of your time
air drying time


Step 1 - Take your sweater and wash in a mixture of 1 part white wine vinegar with 2 parts cool water for 25 minutes.

Step 2 - Gently squeeze out the excess water

Step 3 - Lay it out on a towel and begin to stretch it to the original size.

Step 4 - Once you are happy with the size,  (measure some of your other sweaters if you are not sure on the size it should be)

Step 5 - Let it air dry

White Wine Vinegar - Relaxes Wool

The vinegar helps the wool relax, and gives you the chance to put it back to the right shape and size so that your soft wool sweater has a second chance at life.

Also Deodorizes!

Other than the emergency of unshrinking your clothes, this vinegar will actually deodorize them as well. 

Sometimes these beautiful sweaters or any wool based items of clothing can, over time, get a bit stinky as you can't really use harsh detergents or go nuts scrubbing them.  So by rinsing them in the above bath of vinegar and water, will not only allow you the ability to stretch it back to size, but also make it smell fresher.

Win - Win!

So before you donate that nice sweater or top, try this method.  It will only cost you the white wine vinegar and some time, but well worth the effort.